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WUBZEY (new album)


Dubstep Royalty of JAM | releasing farewell album "NEW OLD ME" Leave a comment if you wanna join my crew Wubz n friendz Winner of the Ava Bonam × JAM "True To The Night" remix contest. Runner-up of #BestOfCinema 2016. OG Member of Royalty since June 2016 Founder of JAM's first and biggest promotional label, Cucu Nation (since September 2016). True to the Night remix #11 All Time Hottest Chart _______ Hello there! I'm known as "WUBZEY" but you're free to call me Alm. I'm 18 years old and from Romania. I've mostly been active on the JAM Community during the late 2015-2017 period, but time has passed and now I'm not that much into making music on this app anymore (but every once in a while I get a sudden urge to make a track and post it here). After leaving this community back then, I tried to make music on FL Studio for a while, but found instead a new passion which is filmmaking and I'm working my way into becoming a film director. I still love making music but I've kind of lost my love for EDM and now I prefer guitar based music instead and film scores. Still, thanks for all the memories here. Looking back, I had some of the best times ever on this app and community :') All the music I post/have posted here is 100% done on Music Maker JAM. I don't have the Pro version though and most of the styles that I use are the old original ones since I don't intend on spending money here anymore. So you're in for an oldschool sound. During my time on Music Maker JAM, I've been known for my unique take on the Dubstep genre and how I managed to combine it with other genres such as Movie Score, Trap and even Rock! My music didn't stand out only by being heavy but instead, it impressed with the creative way that it incorporated loops from a variety of styles and genres. There's also a little trick that I discovered which took my music to a whole new level in late 2017. I'll leave it out for you to discover it though since I won't just give out my secret like that ;) My personal favourite tracks that I've ever made, which showcase my style the best are: Ava Bonam - True to the Night (Wubzey Remix), Fallen Brothers (#BestOfCinema 2016 Runner-Up), STRANGER STRANGER, ENTER THE VOID, Oriental Trapstep - Persephone, Apocalypse, YABOII - Baby (Wubzey Remix), Queen's Crown, Alien Friends, Turn Around VIP, SKULLSTEP (Halloween Special), YABOII - Thunder (Wubzey Remix), Reality and recent one Nostalgia (I consider the first drop on it my best ever). Shoutout to some friends of mine that are still killin' it here with amazing music: BeniBZ, Kill Vader, PAZCAL and S_R prod. You should really check them out! Hit me up on discord: WUBZEY#9791 Joined 15/09/2015 | Last posted 24/02/2023

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