
Loudly - Community Guidelines


our community, where you can register and log in with a username, your email address and a secure password. Your data will always be protected and treated as confidential. You will occasionally receive information about Loudly and our community via the app or email.


your music with other members of our Loudly community. By sharing your music with the community, you are also allowing us and all other

community members to distribute your songs via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other social media platforms and in connection with other

content from us and from community members, such as sound recordings, images and videos.

Find out...

what others think about your music and write your own comments on songs from other community members. If comments from other

community members break these rules, you can remove them from your songs ("Delete comment") or report them to us ("Report").


the rights of other members and artists (name, brand, personality, copyright, data protection, etc), as well as the legal prohibitions,

principles and rules of our community. We do not allow any discriminative or pornographic content, nor will we tolerate content that endangers youth or glorifies violence and war, or statements of an offensive, harassing, defamatory or otherwise hurtful nature. We do not monitor, check or edit content. However, we retain the right to remove content or block accounts (with or without prior notice and with or without explanation) that we feel have broken these rules.


content which you feel does not adhere to these rules ("Report"). We will look into your request.

Back up...

your data on your own system if necessary and protect your login details from misuse. You are responsible for all activities conducted through your account. We do not offer a backup service and you are aware that you are responsible for backing up your own content.


  • that we take no responsibility for the content or links in the community.
  • that we are entitled at any time to change features in the community or to fully or partially discontinue the offer, and that we take no responsibility for changes, interruptions or cessation of the community or for loss of contents.
  • that the community may be financed by advertising revenue and that you agree that we display advertising and promote products in the community and in connection with your content.

The nature and scope of the advertising and product promotion may be changed without specific notice.

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Verify your account

To upload your tracks, you have to verifiy your account first.

Didn't get verification e-mail? Please have a look in your spam folder or

Your account is already verified? Try refreshing the page or take a look at support.

Forgot your password?

An e-mail will be sent to the following e-mail address:

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Please check your email. Please check your email. Instructions to reset your password have been sent to

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Upload file


Supported Files:

Audio: mp3, wav, flac, aiff, 44.1kHZ, 16bit

Video: mp4, mov

I agree to the Terms of Use and will not infringe anyone else's rights.

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Your release

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Cover art

Artwork Requirements:

Filetype: jpg or png, Max file size: 10mb,

Image dimension: at least 700x700 pixels

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Select genre

Select your music genres (0/2):

No genre found with that name!

Add genre?

Max genres selected!

You already selected the max amount of genres. To add another genre, please deselect at least one first.

Something went wrong...

Go to Homepage

Upload file



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Check out your profile in Loudly now!

Error occurred!

We are really sorry, we failed to upload your file. Please try again, and contact us if problem persists.


What is your report related to?

  • user
  • song
  • comment

What is the reason for your report?

  • Inapropiate image
  • Inapropiate song contents
  • Sexually explicit content/behavior
  • Harrasment
  • Other

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Are you sure you want to delete this track?





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