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empty eyes prod


Greetings from Germany From classic to trance to some style mixes, you can experience my creations. Mostly always with a dark, mysterious and sustaining mood at the core. Have fun exploring my dark dimension that I have created here. I've been making music since 2002. It all started with a PlayStation 2 and Music 2000 when it comes to creating your own loops, whereby a certain talent on the keyboard (not very pronounced at the time) was very helpful. Even today I use the Playstation as a forum for my music, combined with MMJ, Fruityloops and BandLab, which you can hear in some of the songs. Once you hear me, or friends, sing in a few songs, the apps start to mix. The pure piano songs are mostly recorded by me personally. Music Progs: MMJ BandLab Fruityloops Mobile Instruments: Yamaha PSR e-463 + M1 Sustain Pedal Bands: Ravens Child Crews: Blackbirds THE SHIFTING Power of Creators You can find me on YouTube: empty eyes prod Facebook: empty eyes prod Soundcloud: empty eyes prod BandLab: empty eyes prod Instagram: emptyeyesprod Admin at the FB Group: The Music Creators

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