Loudly is trained on a catalog of 8 million music tracks and harnesses our database of 170,000 audio sounds to create complex AI music compositions in under 5 seconds.
Need inspiration? Want to experiment across different genres? Simply select from our list of genres to create new tracks which you can then modify with infinite variations.
Loudly is designed to be collaborative, giving you 100% control over your sound. Select which audio loops fit your concept track and let the AI do the rest. Loudly will create new AI tracks based on your individual inputs, delivering you unique results every time.
All AI music tracks are royalty-free when used in combination with other media or to complement your app, website, social media channels and more. We make it easy for you to make your own sound quickly and add it to your creative projects.
What we are most proud of is the fact that our 170,000 audio sounds are beautifully crafted by professional music producers in high-grade studio environments. So whether you’re selecting a trap beat or a cool synth, we guarantee that you are getting studio-quality, original human produced music!
Unlimited creativity starts here